piątek, 18 października 2013


I need it like fucking air.

The Perfect Natalia is not going to walk for a week when I'm finished with her.

Also still unemployed. But I'll get there. Because I'm fucking awesome. I got a fucking Merit from the butchery called The University of Warwick.

Also I'm a bit drunk.

Whatever company decides to hire my ass - HERE I COME.

Come, ehehehehe.

My blog sucks but deal with it. Like people have to deal with my ungodly gif reaction skills and all that sarcasm.

Life is good, I tell ya.

środa, 16 października 2013

Go and get them, tiger!

Tomorrow will be the day I will send a shitload of applications and one of them will be THE ONE that will give me a job.

Mark my words.

wtorek, 15 października 2013

On that day, humanity received a grim reminder

I feel raped by Unilever's online assessment tests. I thought applying for a fucking job would be writing cover letters and answering questions about my education, not solving a fuckton of math problems in 20 minutes and another fuckton of logical tests in 12 minutes. 12-fucking-minutes for 24 questions. 20-fucking-minutes for 20 questions. WHAT.THE.FUCK.

Nothing is a decent job and everything hurts.

środa, 9 października 2013

Fantastic Mrs Fox

Still unemployed.

Not that I spend much time sending applications. I'm in this weird state when I don't quite cope with the fact that it is the first time in FUCKING 18 YEARS that I'm not attending any educational institution. The last time was when I was five and still hoping to see a live dinosaur. So it was a long time ago.
I still remember when I did my first degree. I've stopped being Fox and became Engineer Fox. Didn't feel much difference, I was just drunk for two weeks straight. But after that I returned to being myself. Because seriously, an Engineer? Me? Lol.

And now I'm officially a Master of Science. So now I'm MSc Fox. Still not used to this title. And surprisingly I'm not drunk all the time, but I think I'm getting there. Or not.

My Mom told me once that I'm this type of person who can work all the time and when the time for a break comes (for instance, vacation), dies of heart attack. I didn't die of a heart attack, but I've become a lump of aimless, anxious mass.

In that case I'm spending my time watching some semi-okayish anime about titans, blood and emo boys. But they're wearing very tight clothes, so I can dig that.

Also I'm waiting for the file to download. The Perfect Natalia just told me that I could choose what episodes I want to download and it would be faster. I didn't. I'm a retard. With a degree. This makes everything worse.

niedziela, 6 października 2013

Hang in there, Cecil

My sister last week bought a ragdoll kitten. Cecil was delivered to her from a cattery in Poland, the one that is said to be the best. Cecil is an adorable bundle of fur and joy but bad things happened.

Our new addition to our big, cat family is very ill.

Cecil has been at my sister's place in London for merely a week. On Thursday, the same day I got my degree results Cecil fell ill. His temperature was over 40, he didn't eat, didn't react to anything. Just all his happiness and energy disappeared, leaving nothing behind. My sister took him to the vet and Cecil had to stay at animal hospital where he remains ever since. For the last 2 days his temperature was way too high, he didn't eat and had no energy to even stand up. On Saturday we thought this is the end of his short life. But fortunately, he's still with us, still fighting.

They did tests and we are still waiting for the results. It is not FIV, it is not FELV. We are still waiting for the FIP and cat typhus results. Today he feels a bit better, ate something, his temperature is okay. But he stills stays in the hospital, because he has a very low white blood cell ratio.

We really hope Cecil will make it. We keep our fingers crossed, we still hope he'll get better. We're trying to be optimistic. He's a brave little cat, he's going to be okay.

sobota, 5 października 2013

The tragic love story

I really want a bag of crisps but I'm too lazy to get up and go to the shop downstairs.

I would also have to put on some pants. Too much effort.

czwartek, 3 października 2013

Guess what

I'm a Master of Science! And I scored insane 76 for my dissertation. 68 for my course which is why I got overall merit. But still, I'm fucking awesome as hell.


środa, 2 października 2013



It's official. I'm not a student anymore. I'm a fucking unemployed hobo. Shiiiiiiiiiiit.

Time to open my next beer tonight.

Pay for art school and become a REAL artist

I'm still unemployed, so I might as well rant about life.

You what I really hate? Despise? Want to exterminate? Erase from planet Earth? Murder like a heartless motherfucker I am?

People who call themselves "artists" and can't even draw a fucking circle or write a description of an empty bag of crisps.

Seriously, why? How did this happen? Why there are thousands of stupid morons who say "I'm an artist!" and have never created anything worth something?". You know what I noticed? I noticed that basically every single person who goes to art school calls himself an artist. You draw like a five-year-old with permanent brain damage but your parents pay for your fancy art school? INSTANT ARTIST. Didn't improve at all in the last three years but attending a posh art college? SO ARTSY.

To be honest, I can call someone an artist when the actually created something. For instance Stephen King. Or Stan Lee. Dave McKean. JK Rowling. Those people are real artists. Created characters, whole universes and those creations are beautiful. I write a lot and I WOULD NEVER call myself an artist. I think even if publish my first book I will still be reluctant to call myself an artist or a writer. Those words are big. Too big for me. But for those spoiled, talent-less kids from art schools? NAAAAH. They are REAL artists.

I know one girl like that. And I swear on me mum, I'll break her neck when I meet her. Because there is no way you can be so narcissistic and arrogant, while drawing like a kid from kindergarten.