środa, 9 października 2013

Fantastic Mrs Fox

Still unemployed.

Not that I spend much time sending applications. I'm in this weird state when I don't quite cope with the fact that it is the first time in FUCKING 18 YEARS that I'm not attending any educational institution. The last time was when I was five and still hoping to see a live dinosaur. So it was a long time ago.
I still remember when I did my first degree. I've stopped being Fox and became Engineer Fox. Didn't feel much difference, I was just drunk for two weeks straight. But after that I returned to being myself. Because seriously, an Engineer? Me? Lol.

And now I'm officially a Master of Science. So now I'm MSc Fox. Still not used to this title. And surprisingly I'm not drunk all the time, but I think I'm getting there. Or not.

My Mom told me once that I'm this type of person who can work all the time and when the time for a break comes (for instance, vacation), dies of heart attack. I didn't die of a heart attack, but I've become a lump of aimless, anxious mass.

In that case I'm spending my time watching some semi-okayish anime about titans, blood and emo boys. But they're wearing very tight clothes, so I can dig that.

Also I'm waiting for the file to download. The Perfect Natalia just told me that I could choose what episodes I want to download and it would be faster. I didn't. I'm a retard. With a degree. This makes everything worse.

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