niedziela, 18 sierpnia 2013


Have you ever hated someone you never actually met so hard, that you decided to dedicate your life to writing a blog about how much you hate this person? For months? No? Me neither. But apparently I am someone's ultimate nemesis and it's been approximately 8 months since she started being my very peculiar anti-fan. I must say, this was a bit annoying at the beginning, then I found it hilarious but now I'm a bit afraid hating me is her only meaning of life. I may consider writing her an email to get a fucking life.

I was also considering letting some of the people from my previous blog that I'm leaving but why would I need this bunch of morons here? Also I'm quite sure those retards don't understand English that is more advanced than porn dialogues. So no. Or maybe I'll let know some of them. The ones that actually had brains not permanently damaged by god knows what. This makes me a hermit because I got used to tons of followers. But I prefer no followers rather than one hundred fucking idiots. I became a very cynical and antisocial person. I may even write another entry on my polish blog to make them even angrier. I do hope my psychotic anti-fan writes about me. She's a never-ending source of joy.

Countryside was fun, but I died a bit there. Mostly because of rum. Rum successfully burned a hole in my stomach and left me dying with my head in the toilet. Life is balancing between living and dying in agony because of one's own actions.

2 komentarze:

  1. ooooh, you really have a hater? AWESOME! who's she? : D naaaaah, don't tell me, I'LL FIND HER, AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

    1. I actually do. I'm afraid after my departure she'll somehow find me and murder me in my sleep. Or rape me. Or both. Oh, woe is me!
