piątek, 16 sierpnia 2013

Whatever part 1

Because I'm sure there'll be tons of "Whatevers" if this blog survives.

Fun news! Apparently my always ill digestive system decided to have another, fascinating disease! After ulcers, bacterial infections and internal bleeding I got colitis! So much win, digestive system. As if I didn't swallow enough pills already. The doctor suggested that this may have been caused by my recent endoscopy and that would make a lot of sense. I felt as if I was dying when I was getting prepared for the examination. Now my intestines are on fire as if my digestive system were starring in a never-ending, Rammstein music video. So yeah, colitis. Why not? I'm afraid to ask what's next, because I've finally reached this moment when every single piece of my bowels was ill.

Had a nice morning, when even though I slept merely for 3 hours I woke up fresh, happy and so-not-like-my-usual-grumpy-self. Fortunately, this state didn't last long, because merely 30 minutes later furious as fuck Natalia called that I didn't pack her wallet and, what follows, her bus-pass and she would be late to work. I tend to forget stuff, because I have an attention span of a goldfish. So my cheerful approach towards life disappeared and I'm back to being me again. Another day saved.

There are some plans on going to the countryside this weekend, but first I really need to do some housecleaning. Our flat looks like a shithole inhabited by a bunch of very messy students. I blame myself and my total lack of motivation towards anything that is not sleeping or wasting my time on the internet. It took me a whole month to write a goddamn dissertation, what did you expect? I still need to edit it, but let us not speak about it.

Also, I saw World War Z yesterday in the middle of the night. Figured out the solution way quicker than Brad Pitt. But it was a good movie. Obviously I had problems with falling asleep, because I'm a little pansy and will be always afraid of horror movies. Kinda embarrassing.

I've decided that this blog will be my stream of thoughts. I need a place like that.
Now time to do my stuff and then I can go back to being useless piece of absentminded shit.

Btw I'm growing more grey hair. I really AM getting old.

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